"PIF Gift" Dari Brunei - What A Big Surprise!! (*_*)

Dan yang paling nak bagitahu sume...this marble-ous cookies!!!! Very nice and marvellous....!! Rasa sayang je nak makan tau kakMon..macam nak display je dalam almari kat living room tu..hehe
And last but not least...I'd really love this cute and sweet blue colour book and those cookies are very nice and sweet! Again, million thanks to kak Nina a.k.a KakmOn...
Kalau kakmOn dah sayang setambun..
Ummi balas dengan kasih menggunung...
Ada masa dan jodoh..harap kita dapat berjumpa satu hari nanti..InsyaAllah...
**psst...sume tunggu Ummi letak PIF Game and terms nanti ek..
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